Tech Tips

How to Use Instagram Poll – 3 Easy Ways

How does the survey Instagram? Surely this question has crossed your mind on some occasions. Next, we present the best ways to conduct surveys on Instagram and get great results.

Instagram gives its user some great features. Instagram polls are one of them. This poll feature on Instagram Stories lets you engage with your followers. It can do this by asking them questions and getting answers from them. Instagram polls are a great method to learn something from your audience or highlight a product or feature without being too promotional. Now we learn here how to poll for your next Instagram Story.

Method on how to Poll Instagram

With all the Instagram updates there are a variety of different methods for conducting surveys, this is one of the techniques you can use to increase user interaction with your account, learn their preferences and thus make a suitable post to the public following you.

Instagram polls are very common and used by many celebrities to maintain short and simple communication with their followers.

Surveys are usually conducted so that users choose between two options, yes or no. So that responses are not lengthy and attract public attention.

Steps to Properly Conduct an Instagram Survey

The first phase is where you create and organize strategies to create the best Instagram polls that you can highlight on the platform.

Instagram poll

-The objective or what is expected to be achieved after the application of the survey.

-The audience to whom the survey will be directed must be established in advance.

-Be sure to use a question that your audience is interested in interacting with.

-The survey should be attractive because users pay a lot of attention to visual language. So you should use colors that you like.

-You can help yourself by doing a little research on the psychology of colors. And there you will find information on the meaning of each and the most recommended for your purpose.

-You must do an analysis to know what are the best publishing times in your account. This way users will become more active and you will get more reliable results.

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Second Stage

In the second stage, this time you put the aforementioned into practice. At this stage, it will take you further in taking the survey.

-You will find colors and images that will help you make the survey more interesting.

-Your organization is responsible for when to create the story and upload the survey.

-In the same Instagram application you will find the survey to use if it is in the form of a free response or if there are only two options.

-Once you’ve chosen your strategy, post it so your followers know what the survey is all about.

Finally, in the second stage, you will be in charge of evaluating the results thrown by the survey that you have decided to share on your profile:

Go to statistics and see how much reach and interaction the survey has had. Finally, participating users are interested in knowing the results, you must express and thank them for the interest shown.

Question Suggestions

You must be clear about what you want to do in the survey, if possible it can be related to your account or should be related to topics close to it, so apart from increasing interaction you will definitely increase your followers.

You can try asking somewhat personal questions, and being very careful so they don’t feel like you’re invading their privacy. Apply fun ideas to get users interested in the survey.

Set that simple option to domain global or at least that your followers can respond and interact with. If you are an entrepreneur, you can also conduct surveys related to the quality of the products you sell.
The best answer from the How to survey on Instagram, you will find on your own. By following the steps mentioned you can have expression and focus on what you want to achieve.

How to Poll Instagram and Choose the Right One?

We must remember that the questions will remain for up to 24 hours because this is the story Instagram for limitations.

In surveys with emojis, you can ask questions and place two emoticons that correspond to answering them, an easy and fast way to achieve interaction. Let people feel free to comment, answer questions, or ask questions.

The latest updates also included a survey where 4 answers seem to be correct, but only one is correct, when creating it you will have the ability to choose which one is correct and thus you will be able to assess how your followers are positioned on the topic or not, and in that direction do the work

The type of survey you choose is up to you after conducting an analysis of your account and establishing the objectives you want to achieve.

Also, it’s important to note that the method you choose affects the number of followers you can increase or decrease during the account question or survey opening period.

Benefits of Taking Surveys on Instagram

You communicate directly with your followers
Know the percentage of user participation in your account
Also depending on the theme you choose you can improve doubts or aspects of your account that you don’t know.
Through this survey, we can have knowledge about the followers. And their preferences we can give reliability since this is an account where the owner or manager is in constant interaction, concerned to know the opinions of his users.

Likewise, there is also the possibility that through the survey people are interested in previous publications. And also decide to make an opinion or comment about it. Remember that this will help the Instagram algorithm accept more in our account.

The account owner has the opportunity to choose what should be posted and what should not be posted, in case of queries. This being a social network, there are many inappropriate comments that followers do not or simply should not tolerate.

That’s why it’s a great option for asking open-ended questions, where writing is limited to the public. But it can capture what you’re thinking or your concerns about the current account or topic.

To get effective and lasting results, enter the article below and discover what are the best times to post on Instagram. Thank you for visiting us.

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