How to See Someone’s Hidden Friend List on Facebook

Curiosity is a natural instinct, a mental behavior found in humans and animals that encourages them to seek information. Social networks have become entertainment show that satisfies the curiosity of many people. However, sometimes, the public information they post on social networks is not enough and they want to know more, crossing some ethical barriers. In this article, we show you how to satisfy one of these curiosities and we will show you how we can see other users’ hidden friends on Facebook.

How to See Someone’s Hidden Friend List on Facebook

Over the years, the number of privacy options that Facebook has implemented has increased mostly due to the various security breaches that have been detected. In addition to our security options with Google Plus, Facebook allows us to establish who can see our publications, and who can access our friend list, and much easier to configure the friend list area.

Using Facebook Friend Mapper

Facebook allows you to set your friends’ Facebook visibility to “only me” to keep our friends list private from third parties. However, even if you configure your friends list as private, other users will see part of the list thanks to the Facebook Friend Mapper extension.

The Facebook Friends Mapper extension has been available on the Web Chrome Store for several years.

After downloading Facebook Friends Mapper we unzip it and execute the .exe file to install it on our computer as an extension for Chrome.

How Facebook Friends Mapper Works

First, install this app on your computer. Then access it on Google Chrome and your Facebook profile.
Next, we must access the Facebook page of users who keep their friend’s secrets. At that time, a new option will appear under the name Reveal Friends.
By clicking the button that will display a list we can find in this line that the image is similar.

See Someone's Hidden Friend List on Facebook

Look for the Profile ID

You should find the profile links of the person you want to check for hidden friends. If the mutual friends and total friend count on the profile tab show only a few friends, you can only see all of that person’s friends.

In most cases, you will notice that users have changed their random ID to a custom username. And to find the actual ID, you need to follow some steps. To check someone’s friends on Facebook, follow the steps below.

  1. First, open the friend viewer link on your Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=NUMERIC_ID&sk=friends.
  2. Then you got the ID from the earlier step and replace it in the above link.
  3. Now, that person’s friends will appear on the screen.

Finally, you can easily see someone’s hidden friend list on Facebook with the help of this post. You can also get How to Unblock Someone on Facebook from this website. And also get this type of problem here. Thank you for visiting us.

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